What is a Distinguished Ruffian?
dis·tin·guished: – adjective – Made conspicuous by excellence; noted; eminent; famous
ruf·fi·an: – noun – A tough, lawless person; roughneck
This site is the brain trust of a group of friends who could only be described as being both distinguished and ruffian. Friends whose combined life experiences have been melted in the crucible and you, the reader, now inherit the reward. We are eclectic individuals with specialties in most walks of life including biological, medical, power generation, data analysis, and mechanics. Our goal is to share these experiences, and bring like minded people together all while helping battle through the trivial and the trying quandaries bestowed upon us all in our day to day lives. Our website will encompass subjects that fall within the 3-P's of life:
People – Relationships, Social Interaction, Gift advice, Health & Fitness
Places – Travel, Night Life, Outdoors, Restaurants etc..
Purchases – Reviews of all items, specializing in, Scotch, Cigars, Guns, Knives, and Beard products, Cars and Automotive parts
As this site has grown so has our idea of what to means to be a Distinguished Ruffian. With our members we stand tall as a group of growing men and women who want to be more than just ordinary…We are Ruffians BUT Distinguished. As Distinguished Ruffians, our desire is to inspire. Inspire thought. Inspire action. Inspire change. This is the seed, and the idea that the merging of distinction and ruthlessness can be achieved (without being a politician). We believe one can be a Ruffian and be Distinguished. The question now is, DO YOU?